Wow, where do I begin...
First let me begin by saying, I have never been one who has felt the need to display my personal life or air my dirty laundry in public. I am a very private person when it comes to certain aspects of my life. Starting this blog is HUGE for me! I truly hope that what I am sharing gives you some sort of strength and hope that you too can be "Soaring Solo". As I stated in the intro, I am single Mamá who is 100% soaring solo. I am both the pilot and the co-pilot of mí amor's life. I am beyond blessed to have this little Monster in my life...Luna Sloane! We currently live in Portland, Oregon. We do not have any familía living near us. (BTW, if you see me using Spanish here and there, know it is from my Latin culture and roots.) We have zero help financially or physically from Luna's biological or his family. (I am not here to focus on that.) He has his own journey and karma. I actually have come to terms with this which took me some time to gain that clarity. My feelings do ebb and flow. I truly trust that everything happens in divine order and exactly how it is supposed to be. Will it be forever easy? Hell no! However, what I can tell you is that the valleys and canyons that you experiece will no longer seem to be like the grand canyon but merely a speed bump or pot hole in the road.
You might be wondering how this all came about..."Soaring Solo." Having shared bits and pieces of my story to different people along the way. Many of those being trusted advisors and friends. After hearing some of my story, many would say to me, "you should start documenting your journey." I always thought or said, "I have, in my journal, which I have been keeping one for many many years." Lord help whomever finds them when I pass! To which they would reply, "Not only in your personal journal. Rather a memoir or some sort of public platform." The thought seemed exciting yet so daunting for a perfectionist like me. Then, a lot of negative self talk would creep into my thoughts. Deep down, I knew I really wanted to challenge myself to do something like blogging. I love to journal and write so it made perfect sense. For many many months, the Universe has been nudging me to start journaling our story more in a public forum. What do I have to lose?! I still was not listening. I made many excuses as to why I did not have the capacity for one more item on my plate. It seemed like a great idea but still no action.
Fast forward to this past July, after attending a mediation/spiritual retreat in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. I decided I was going to live my life heart wide open and be more vulnerable when it comes to my experiences with soaring solo. Again, during my time there, the Universe keep speaking to me very loudly about starting our page. So, HERE WE ARE! This blog is also a tribute to my growth and healing. Thank you mucho for checking out our page. I hope somewhere along the way it will provide you with some strength and hope.