Pause and Reflect 2017

As the year is winding down...the past couple of days has me taking a step back to reflect on what 2017 has brought to myself and Luna. As I sit here, a HUGE smile overtakes my face. I am 100% grateful for absolutely EVERYTHING and how it transpired! I know many times I will say I am grateful, however, I do not know if I truly feel it. I can tell you that this year I feel it with every fiber of my being as I write this. I do not know if there ever was time in my life where I have been so content and at ease with where my life is. I am really feeling totally in the flow and just being. If I look back few years when reflecting on the year, I might look back with some regrets "shoulding" on myself. Having some sort of dis-ease in some area of my life...physically, emotionally, or what not. This is the first year in a bit that I am not ready to send the year packing. Last year at this time, I could not wait to see 2016 in the rear view mirror. I want to bottle up what I am feeling and stick that in my heart and never forget what this feeling feels like. 

The year started off with many bumps and bruises. I was in an emotional tailspin and was unsure how I was going to get out of. I was tired of feeling like I was stuck in cement. I knew I needed to stop the story I was repeating and start living the life that was for my best higher self and this little blessing. I knew I needed to get back to my basics of journaling, seeing my teachers on a regular basis, self love/care, and being fully present with myself. I am proud to say that things are not perfect, however they are perfectly imperfect and I could not be more pleased with where our lives are heading. 

The year was filled with much growth, adventure, and self discovery. Here are a few of our favorite highlights of 2017...

  • The year started with the two of us moving back to our old hood. A place that makes me feel alive! I truly believe where I live plays a major role in how other areas of my life will take flight. I feel more alive an in tune with my higher self living in this hood. It gets me and I get it. We are simply one. Being a soaring solo Mamá, it makes life so much easier for the two us to have everything right at our finger tips. No driving necessary if I so wish. 
  • We marched and we marched and we marched for many causes that are close to my heart. First march was the Women's March in January. WE. ARE. WILD. WOMAN.
  • First time hiking soaring solo with a baby/toddler. Hiking and nature have always been a love of mine. I wanted to make sure I was doing everything I enjoyed pre-child, also post-child. Now I am able to pass this love to Luna. I have tried to make it ritual that we would go hiking once every month. Getting out on open trails is therapeutic. Every time when Luna sees the pack or any of our hiking gear, she says, "hiking Mamá?" They way her face lights up is priceless!
  • Becoming more of a conscious parent and truly realizing what that means. Gaining more awareness on how my energy and attitude affects Luna and all those I interact with. 
  • In July, I attended first international spiritual/meditation retreat in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. I honestly think this adventure was what sprung me into so much change and growth. I absolutely feel in love with life again! I started to see life differently. I met some of the most beautiful vibrant and vulnerable women that I am able to call my sisters. Let me not forget to tell you how magical the Lake is! You will definitely be seeing me again. My heart is there and I want to share it with my Lunitas here in the future. 
  • Our first soaring solo camping trip in Alsea, Oregon was such an empowering step for me to take. Possibly ending up being one our best adventures to date.
  • Constantly listening  and being in tune to my wild heart and making small steps of change daily. 
  • In October we celebrated a Beary Happy 2nd Birthday for Luna. We were able to celebrate the day with all those whom we love and admire. 
  • First Arizona State University football game for Luna and her meeting her new found love Spraky! She is obsessed with the Sun Devils and Sparky. Deep down I am smiling BIG when I see her love for them. 
  • Adventures, adventures, and more adventures!
  • Finally ending the year spending an amazing eight days with our familía in Nuevo. The older I get the more appreciative of them I get. Many it is the Mamá in me...It was wonderful being able to connect with many of them on a deeper level. The love they always show Luna is like nothing else I have witnessed. It was a joy watching her love on them and really take to them so quickly. We are blessed to have them in our corners. This trip had my cup and heart full. My. Tribe. Rocks! 

I hope this post will help you pause and reflect on your 2017. Look at your blessings and cherish those special moments. Thank you for you love you have shown us this year. Thank you for going along on this journey with us. I hope to me more active on the blog next year. This has be the best year EVER! Until next year...have a powerful day! 

Love and Light~B and Luna
