Smile, It Could Be Worse...

As I was walking this morning to go to the work out, I was thinking about the blog. Wondering what should I write about next. To be quite honest, I have had writers block and my life has been more hectic than I would like to admit. I do not want to be writing to just write or just to hear myself talk. Then all of a sudden, I come across this homeless guy you see in the photo below with what little belongings he had and this sign that stopped me dead in my tracks. I had to take a step back and reread the sign for a second time. After contemplating the words on his sign and his situation, I began to get really still inside of me. The kind of stillness that can make me uncomfortable at times. The kind of stillness that can only happen when we are in present moment, living in the now. Seeing him and his situation, REALLY made me get grateful and humble. Instead of looking at what I did not have or how things may have not turned out in my life, I began to think about this guy and his situation. It was very cold and this morning and he was sleeping on the cold cement in a doorway of a business. It seemed that he had in his possession very little personal items. Yet, in what most would consider one of the most awful situations to be in, he had the most grateful attitude and heart towards his circumstances. 

As I walked on past him and started to contemplate my attitude at that current moment and I began to think about what I have and started to get my attitude in check. I have an above average condo that I call home. I have a nice comfy bed to lay my head on each night or when I feel tired. My home is always at a comfortable temperature. I have a career that provides more than enough for both Luna and myself. I am able to provide to Luna well beyond what most children have. I have more than most. Yet why are there times when I feel so empty, hopeless, or thinking that if I just had ____ my life would be better. When I get down to it and get truly honest with myself, I have MORE than enough...I am more than enough! I actually have too much stuff. So much stuff that at times, I feel that it gets in the way of me being grateful and at peace. Have you ever found yourself buying more stuff just to feel a void? I know I have. 

A few questions keep popping up as I sit here writing and contemplating my thoughts and this gentlemen's sign...Why it is those who have the least in material belongings, are the ones who seem to be the most humble and grateful? Why is it those with the least, are the first to help someone in need or would give their shirts off their backs? These are questions that I often ponder. 

For today, I am super grateful for the man that I saw while on my walk to workout. Thanks to him I am able to see all the many blessings in my life and pass on my smile to others to share. His situation has given my perspective and a new attitude. I love how the Universe will send me nuggets when I need to be more awoke in different areas. Today it was in the area of gratitude and knowing that I have enough and I am enough! 

Love and Light~B

PS~Feel free to comment and share how the Universe nudges you. If you wish to comment or like this post, you can do so by clicking on the title of this post. 




Simple words, yet so humbling and profound...